In The Media; 

Our Blogs & Podcasts 

Art of Being’s voice is about shedding light on impactful holistic healing practises, and evidence-based tools to be our best selves.

We wish to uplift our community to a higher level of consciousness by discussing topics we are passionate about. We unveil subjects that encourage mental health awareness in the MENA, self-awareness and transformation. When it comes to self-development, we are here for you. 

An Emotional Answer You Didn’t Know You Needed.

An Emotional Answer You Didn’t Know You Needed.

What Is Anger? Anger is amongst the most potent of emotions, which everyone feels and expresses in a variety of ways. As one of the six universal emotions it is recognised across cultures and since time immemorial. Often, anger can express shadow behaviors that we all...

Boundaries. What are they & how to set them?

Boundaries. What are they & how to set them?

What Are Boundaries? Whether it delineates the limits between nations or individuals, boundaries are imaginary lines we draw around us, to help protect us from our environments. They are our fundamental right to say, “No”.  Boundaries protect our space, feelings and...

Female Spiritual Wisdom Calling

Female Spiritual Wisdom Calling

What is Female Healing Wisdom? Hyperactivity, brutal competition and pervasive aggressiveness. These propensities reflect typically masculine negative traits which   permeate every area of today’s highly polarised world. With global systemic breakdown now being viewed...

In The Media

The Change Maker

Breaking stereotypes and misconceptions is Abu Dhabi based investment manager Asma Saeed Al Hamiz, an emotional wellness consultant whic is giving women in the region a fighting chance.

Soaring Through Chaos: Asma Al Hamiz

Asma and Shankar met in the San Francisco bay area at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in Palo Alto, as well as the 5-Rhythms movement meditation practice sessions in Mountain View.

Mental health in the UAE: Who do Emiratis face challenges in becoming psychologists?

Three female Emirati psychologists talk about entering a field few turn to when they need help, let alone make a career out of, which can make finding work difficult.

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Manar Al Hinai: Writing down your goals can help you achieve them

Entrepreneurs face numerous issues every day and often do not like to talk about what is bothering them, or causing them emotional distress. Instead they focus on the business, burying their concerns without processing them.

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